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Commercial Real Estate Services Serving commercial real estate owners, end-users, developers,
asset advisors and municipalities since 1994.
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Barrett Associates offers sales, brokerage and auction services for residential real estate RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES Barrett Associates offers sales, brokerage and auctioning services
for all classes of real estate property.
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REAL ESTATE CONSULTING Barret Associates offers real estate consulting and market research and analysis services. Read more

Real Estate Consulting, Brokerage, and Auctioning Expertise

Innovative and creative approaches to online real estate maketing for both selected commercial and residential properties.

At Barrett Associates we develop property specific disposition strategies for a wide variety of residential and commercial real estate clients.

For residential side, we provide non-distressed, online property auctioning owner assistance programs that pro-actively market properties to their profiled buyer pools.  Working “shoulder-to-shoulder” with our clients, we provide the critical real estate expertise and support to help them to maximize the “exit value” of their property.  Buyer’s can also tailor assistance programs that will enable our firm to rebate a portion of our fees by contributing “sweat equity” to their transactions and taking advantage of our “online tools” and “platforms” to help accelerate the marketing process, compress the real estate sales cycle, and save everyone valuable time and money.

On the commercial side, we provide similar “accelerated marketing approaches” for sale or lease, including our online AcceleratedPropertyMarketing.complatform on behalf of property owners as well as “cost-competitive” programs that include tenant & landlord representation, investment analysis, commercial property reuse consulting, and commercial real estate auctioing services.

Founded by a University of Denver adjunct real estate faculty member of over 20 years, Kyle Cascioli has been an industry innovator, practicing real estate consultant, advisor, broker, auctioneer, and recognized authority in both the local and national real estate community.

Our services

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Creator of quality designs and thinker of fresh ideas.

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Great Possibilities

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A brand new way to excite your audience

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Our awesome team

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.


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Our quality services

Packaging And Storage
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Ground Transport
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Door to Door delivery
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Packaging And Storage
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